Thursday, December 4, 2008
Not A typical Post
Alright, well this isn't a typical post, however i got a picture today and I needed to do a little blurb on it...
Pictures are worth 1000 words, and well this one even comes with a subject line. Child labour present in Canada? The words spell it for you. We must stand against it. Where are the infants, how can I return it to the infants, where are they hiding!?
Saw the labeled ladder at my local Wal-Mart (which is now open 24 hours, it's insane in this small town, another story, lol) noticing that there's no way it could've been written by infants them self. They must have a leader ;)...
Anyways, thought I'd share that with ya'll... Peace
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Life, as you know it...
Cousin's Post
Alright, so we all are aware as I write this blog post I am doing the steps to make sure I get my facts straight and can get my views on them.
After a breakup, yes my relationship wasn't near as long as my cousin's, however, it was still something that made a effect on my life. It was good, and she is a great girl, but I have too much crap going on in my life, as does she. Therefore, at this point in our lives, this relationship just isn't going to work.
Step 1: Facebook
I have seem to be one of those people who have fallen into the depths of the 'relationship status.' Even though i didn't select the person in which i was a couple with. I still have it selected, now the way to remove it that i will try, is to choose just not to show relationship status. Hopefully this will not lead to a million people asking all the retarded questions...... Shit well, i tried to remove it, and well, it got removed but still posted in the news feed, Matt is no longer listed as in a relationship. Let's hope it doesn't get stupid from here. Although, i guess, facebook, as a social network, is just doing it's job.
Step 2: Buy a New Computer
Well, that's out of the question. I've only had my Mac for approximately 3 months. No way i'm getting a new one already, however, because it is so new, it is simple to remove the things in the system that remind me of the previous.
We're still gonna try the, still being friends thing, which I really hope works out, as she is a great person, just not in the right place in our lives.
Step 3: Stop following on twitter
These are getting easier, she's NOT on twitter, maybe that is another reason for us not working out, nah, well...?
Steps: 4 through 6
Again, nothing for me to do. However, the other thing in which the cousin did not touch upon as it doesn't affect her situation, is, being in a small town with tat individual. There's only 1 bar, 1 walmart, population of 22,000ppl. That really isn't a big amount, as I will likely run into her multiple times. Hoping the friend thing works the small city won't be an ordeal. However, if the friend thing isn't going to work for your situation, MOVE.
Step 7: Move (if applicable)
Get the hell out of the small town. Chances are you've been in that area most of your life and you need to get out anyways. I was in Alberta, and came back to shitty grey bruce for family reasons. I would love to go back out there, but am planning for April.
Step 8: Buy a new vehicle
Had to add this to make up for the computer. This is more of an inside joke that advice, however it isn't a bad thought, I am headed to the auction this weekend to do that very thing, maybe find a snow plow to keep my mind off of the past, and will keep me busy. Wow, that is advice. HAHAHA
Life as you know it, is NOT over, it is just starting a new chapter that you have to grab by the horns and take charge with. As you are an insignificant little speck in this spectrum of the universe, the thing to remember from that statement is, YOU ARE!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Modern Day Sweat Shop
Over the coarse of a 5-15 minute phone call I have to operate 14 pieces of software. Not only are half of them useless they are just repetitive. I have to not only take their name, address, phone number, I must put that information into at least three of teh fourteen different pieces of software while helping the customer with their problem.
Ninety percent of the time the customers problem is not on their end, it's normally something to do with our system or the equipment they rent from us (modem). After I input all their information I have to wait for the system to run a diagnostic on their connection and then read through the encrypted test results to try and understand what it all means. Once we have done that we troubleshoot whether it's because of us or something they have. Like i said, most of the time it's a problem with our equipment. Now I have to use other pieces of software to fix the problem which can take anywhere from 5 - 30 minutes because the systems are too slow. Then of course once we are done fixing the problem we have to thank them for using our company, even though i don't normally mean it, I mean, if the problem was with us, now the customer has waited so long to get through to myself, then had to wait on the phone while the problem gets fixed. And if i can't fix their problem I have to send a technician out, which I have rarely been able to book same day, most of the time it's nearly a month away before the technician can get there.
While I'm still on the phone i have to complete every piece of software I have open before the customer hangs up, because as soon as the call ends, i get another call right away and if I don't have everything completed now I have to have the next customer wait as I finish everything up for the previous one.
Now of course, since we are running system built in 2001 (as says the sticker on the back of the machines) everything is slow and lots of times fails. This place is so retarded that we are supposed to keep taking phone calls even if we can't get a computer or the computer crashes. We will get in shit for 'work avoidance' if we don't take phone calls. I had to ask, "WTF am i supposed to help them with if i don't have a system!?" The stupid sweat shops response was, "Just be polite try to help them as much as you can, and if you can't, tell they our systems are down and to call back in approx 30 minutes." This is RETARDED. So now, not only am i lying to the customer, KARMA, I'm sure, will come into affect if I continue to lie to them. I brought this up to one of the higher ups and he said, "honestly, we don't pay you enough to care, just do what your told." WTF!?!?!?!?! Sure he makes a valid point, but they also gave me shit for not sounding empathetic on the phone, I'M NOT PAID ENOUGH TO CARE!
Now that our 2001 systems are unreliable we constantly need help from the 'team leads' and they are normally too busy? Well now that our systems don't work, don't worry, the hawks eye system does. If your 15 minute break last for 15 minutes and 30 seconds they will be there questioning you about it. Not only are they anal about break times, but they have standards for call times and hold times. If you have a customer on hold for more than a minute you will be penalized. While our systems continue to crash they still watch us like a hawk and expect everything to run smoothly!
Everything is so tedious and stupid, in my opinion, the place is a modern day sweat shop. All of these things must be done, and you are going non stop, all for MINIMUM WAGE. Just my thoughts on under managed call centers. This is the second call center i have had experience in, and this one is horrible, I'm sure there are worse ones, but really who wants to go into work everyday to a place like this, no wonder their turn around is so high. There are so many smalls thing they could do even just to bring up moral, but nope, they're too concentrated on running people dry and wearing them out!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Electric Cars
This electric car thing has bothered me for sometime now, and this article finally answered some of my questions and concerns. They have basically proved to me that right now, the way to go for cheap commuting would still be a hybrid, which is a gas over electric. Where pure electric energy in which you have to charge, they say, you will still only get approximately 60 miles out of a full charge. The only goof that would be is for running errands around town. I don't believe that would be any good for myself, considering, it's approximately 20km to city limits at highway speed. I can' see myself relying on a vehicle like that, especially to e producing heat in the winter.
I can't see owning or even think about owning a electric car, until laptop computers have made it. I mean, Lithium-ion batteries, are awesome. BUT, the answer to portability is being able to take it wherever, whenever, and expecting it to work. Well looking at batteries that way, cars and computers are in the same category. If my laptop won't keep me using my full range of portability for more than 4 hours, how can i expect a car to do the same/better. Sure when you compare the size of batteries, the car's is much larger and should last longer. Then you must think about the amount of 'juice' is required for the car. You have many lights, including bright, energy draining, headlights, plus all your electronics to keep you moving and safe, as well as a heater to keep you warm, or an air conditioner. Well sure an electric car would be great, but do you want to pay that hydro bill for filling it up? I think not, people complain about the high cost of hydro when they run an air conditioner to keep the house cool. Well imagine filling a battery big enough to run all that for a few hours. NO THANKS
Where if you run a Hybrid Toyota Camry your only burning approximately 5litres per 100km. Which for you Americans, works out to be approximately 40mpg. Where, well, our electric car will be god knows how much, won't be reliable, as in, if you run low on energy you can't go and just put $20 in the tank. Also who says that the emissions will be less with a electric vehicle versus a hybrid. I believe there only backup for that is they have no way of recording or keeping track of how much emissions are put out to get the amount of energy to fill the battery.
All in all, until I can have use my laptop for full reliable portability, then I won't trust a electric car. But I guess the quick point to be made by this post is, I still won't buy a Honda but surprisingly they seem to be the only ones who are being smart about this electric car business.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Put yourself in perspective of the stars, you are nothing, a minuscule little being that is really gonna have no affect on life, life in general. The only thing you will affect in life are the people in which you encounter along your journey. You are a small, little, dispensable, wasteful, piece of energy that could one day... DIE. Not trying to be in the negative sense, just trying to bring the understanding of life.
You begin your life, you live your life, then you die. Therefore really having no affect on the universe what so ever. Therefore, the only affect you will have in life, is on other minuscule pieces of energy, in which, can only do the same for you. Sure we have evolved a lot, and put forth lots of effort into making life more enjoyable, but how many people out there don't enjoy their lives. Some people are homeless, and some people are extremely wealthy. You think that if we didn't have the evolution and technology, or think of, even if we didn't have text, or words, would there still be so many unhappy people in this world. The only reason people live unhappy lives is the affect other people are having on them. Whether or not it's direct correlation, the affects one is having on another controls the way they will live their lives.
I believe that living your 'enjoyable' life requires infinite amounts of happiness. The only way to come to happiness is not by pleasing other people, not trying to act the way someone expects you to act. Honestly, if someone doesn't like who I am, fuck them, I don't need any of their negative affects on my life. Think about how many people there are on earth. Your not gonna affect a percentage of them. In a way you could, but you will never connect, therefore ever get the satisfaction of affecting their lives in a positive way.
Life, in itself is simply YOU, you need to live your life the way you want to. Money will cloud everything you will ever want to do in life. Think about it though, you are an organism that will grow, learn, and roam until it's your time to die. I lie in bed at night, trying to fall asleep, and have come up with this way to relieve stress, and as a reminder, bring you back to reality that you are an organism. I close my eyes, and look out into the world. No, not a 'mental fuck' just close your eyes, imagine your in a GIGANTIC black room. A room bigger than you can ever imagine, now how small do you feel? Really small, you feel so small, you feel pretty well insignificant. Well, that's what you pretty well are. Your life only matters to you, the people you affect, so all you can do is make it how you can, and live life to the end, as successful as you can be, however you define success, it only matters to you.
My cousin linked to my blog in her blog the other day. She then told me that she receives around 1000 hits a day. In all reality, that's not very many people, considering how many people are online, at any given point in time. However, my cousin is just an organism like everyone else, a very smart one at that. Not only does she get 1000 hits a day, she is affecting approximately 1000 different people a day. Whether or not it's positive, it's their choice to read it, and connect with it. They are looking to her for interest, for knowledge, for whatever she has written about recently. In my eyes, she is being successful, not knowing how much money she's making doing it, it doesn't matter. She is doing what she likes to do, and is affecting 1000's of lives with it. She may not change the world, but she is a part of how people are living their lives.
I have been faced with many dilemmas in life, and will continue to, as many others do, it's inevitable. However, just remember you are you, and only you, do what you feel will make your definition define you as successful. I am going to do my best from here on in, looking up at the stars has brought me to a realization!
Cheer's to my cousin, Chantelle, and cheer's to anyone and everyone who is living a happy, successful life, and helping others along the way.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Drunk Driving
I remember a few times where I had been fairly inebriated and a passenger in a vehicle with a sober driver, anyways, doing 80km/h down the road, I don't even understand what's going on, let along how to respond to it. People on the road like this, scares me. An awesome example of how much damage a drunk driver can cause, I lead you to this link.
Simple story, at 1 am my friend woke up to a god awful noise. Got up, got dressed ran downstairs to a mess of vehicles and a pile of flashing lights on his street. A drunk driver had hit, his yellow car, then he room mates grey truck, then his roommates blue truck, which was slammed into their neighbours truck. Upon collision the drunk driver's truck had rolled and slammed into the curb, ejecting him out of his windshield. He was on his feet before the police showed up but then taken into custody. If you refer to the link you will see the damage caused by the dumb ass.
Drunk driver's need to be taken out, and have their license removed and an eye kept on their property making sure they aren't still driving a vehicle around. I find that even worse, because not they are unlicensed, and not insured, and again possibly drunk. NOT GOOD AT ALL. Better yet, get some vigilante's to deal with them... YEEHAW, seems like vigilante's is the only answer to just bout everything...
Violence In Small Towns
Of course a police report was made, however, these friends of mine said that they have never seen these guys before.
Alrighty in a town with a population of approximately 23,000 people, you would think that viloence wouldn't be a huge problem. Well in the past month, a black man had been stabbed by a bunch of teenage white gangbangers. The scary thing to add to this is, the stabbing happened within two blocks of my friends getting beaten. The police, well they do their best, but, a small town all of this should be easy, but it's not, I guess.
The one friend who was jumped, was visiting from calgary, a 'BIG BAD CITY,' he comes here, and well, you get the point. What is the world coming to, who knows... I think we need more vigilante's out in this town. ~I will raise my hand, and volunteer my services, as long as there's some sort of guarantee~
This never used to be a city that anyone should be scared of going out at dark, atleast i never have. All of a sudden in the past month it seems you can't go out at night. First it seemed like 'black' people weren't allowed out at night, now it's anyone. Kind of interested to see what happens here over the rest of the year...
Life, the wonders...
Career: a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling
-Webster's Dictionary
OK, so that definition, basically, DEFINES LIFE. So yes, your good at something, and you pursue this thing, then get good at it, and make money/living with it. Well, I think that life should be filled with being good at a little bit of everything. Think about it, when you go to your high school reunion, which of the following would you feel better saying; a. I know a little about a lot. OR b. I know a lot about a little.
OPTION A should be the answer. Could you imagine yourself having your fingers dipped in a little bit of everything, bringing in money from all over, being friends with everyone, and the one's you don't get along with, you don't talk to, although they still pay you for your services in one way or another.
I WANT THAT. This was my rant about life, and i believe that you should be able to start this life at an early age, maybe just out of high school. If you can, than how, NO ONE takes you seriously. I am making it my current goal to find out, who will take someone at a young age who will take me seriously and get this ball rolling. Sure, i need a "career" to get me going, cover my bills and such, but once the ball gets rolling, HANG ON. I want the WORLD, but I guess you must start somewhere. Peace.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Towing & Iced Tea, and DAMN THE GOVERNMENT!
AND ICED TEA! Some people just don't understand, Nestea is the only good iced tea on the market. All these other ones through this tang into it, and well it's not cool at all. Nestea is the only one that doesn't have that grose tang in the middle. Just thought i'd through this out, so people will try it, and reply to me. As Lipton and noname as well as many others, have the stupid tang. ERRRRR
The government sucks. In order to get my Ontario License activated, and deactivate my alberta license, of course i need my birth certificate to proove who i am. Well my birth certificate is lost. Even though the guy at the licenseing centre had my ontario license on his screen and all he had to do was one simple little click. BUT, NOOOOOOOOO... ERRRR... so now I have to order a new birth certificate. Oh well, I will wait and see how it goes. Anywas... Over and out for now, will update some more soon...
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Ok, It's been awhile.
Anyways the main reason for this post is, WTF!? lol... I came across something in the local news today and I must quote it.
No explanation for Kincardine boom
Written by John Divinski
It's been a week-and-a-half since the so-called "big bang" in the Kincardine area and there is no explanation.
Nuclear problem to sonic booms to meteor showers have been discounted.
South Bruce OPP Staff Sergeant Paul Bradley says the most recent yarn--meteor showers--has been discounted by outside sources who have studied them.
Bradley says as far as the police are concerned, there is no further investigation into the matter by them.
Bradley says on Thursday, July 31st, residents over an 18-kilometer area reported large bangs that sounded like explosions.
He says police and fire personnel responded to that emergency and found there was no problem.
Then the conjecture started and continues.
But Bradley says as of this point, still no explanation as to what it was.
No significant damage by the bangs except for a few reported broken windows.
Nobody hurt.
~Quote End~
The reason for this post is, well, if you read the article above you will see that it says the sound was heard approx 18km around. Well, who knows where it originated so who knows where it originated, or did they ;). Anyways, my family and I remember this 'banging' and well we are approximately 90km away. We live near a tank/firing rang, so that's what we figured it was. But the scary thing is, kincardine, is only about 10km away from a Nuclear Power Plant. So where did it come from? See, even though we are in a small town/area we still have excitement... AHHAHA...
Well, Aside from that, not a whole lot is new here for me. Got the Mac, still waiting on the iTouch, it went from shanghai, to anchorage, to newark, and then to mississauga.. It's taking quite the trip, but I am looking forward too it.
Back to work with CAA on monday, well going for a ride along, we'll see how this goes, different people, different equipment, and wayyyy different system.
POI, I know EVERYONE has been waiting for an update. Well, here it is. We may have a title soon, lol, no more POI possibly. WHY? you ask??? Well, we get along really well, and I'm sure it would make her happier if she had a little more security. So, even though i'm still thinking about it, and will keep everyone up to date..
My winter truck will soon be on the road officially. Had the wrong part in the middle of ripping everything apart. So off to CT to get a new part, and then it starts to DOWN POUR. Packed it up for the day and back at it tomorrow.
Feel free to leave comments, as I will try to keep and eye on local news and start commenting on more news items, that really intrigue me... NIGHT!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Another day, holy the foruth already?
Another day has passed, apparently this is the fourth blog post already, I kinda feel like I know what I'm doing yet. Although I don't have anything quite to interesting yet, I am trying to keep all of your who are reading it up to date. Got my twitter widget going on the side now so you can see what my most recent updates are... Anyways, on to a few things i wanted to explain further from yesterdays post, then I'll get onto today...
Alrighty, yesterdays updates will be short but have the detail... Maybe, god, i hate trying to plan it ahead in my head...
Oh yes, the crazy nice car. It's a 2008 Chevrolet Cobalt SS... I didn't really find them too appealing before, yahoo, it's got a supercharged 2.0l four cylinder. REALLY? lol, i really didn't find that too appealing. Seemed like they were trying to make a decent prices throw away car a 'sports car'. Well I'm assuming the engineers or designers of GM, realized that with a supercharger, it takes power to make power. When all of my friends and I saw that it was supercharged, we basically all said, "WTF!?" Should've wrote them a letter or something, seeing how I am Canadian, and that's what we do, I just ignored it and figured, well GM is just scrap anyways they may as well just continue the trend. (I'll get into the scrap definition later). Anyhow, my muffin and I stopped into a GM dealer when we toured to Barrie to look at the truck, that I now own, but at this time was just to look at it as a prospective purchase. When we got there we saw the car, and something didn't look quite right on the back of it. The badging, twas different, WHAT!?!?!?! IT'S TURBO NOW!!?!?!? See now the concepts between the two, turbo and supercharger are completely different, If you need explanatiions feel free to comment and I will post info on next post. Anywho, when we went get the truck yesterday, well the day before now I guess... So when we went to get the truck on saturday we toured over to the GM dealer to test drive this Cobalt SS TURBO!... The car is comfortable, FAST AS HELL, and was surprising decent for a throw away car. So that was the little story about the Scrap that ain't too bad. HAHAHA, kinda pointless but now you know what I think about the Cobalt SS TURBO.
Story with the truck, quick little story, I hope lol. So we go to get this truck with is about 40km outside of barrie. We get there, and the owner says, all the ownerships and paperwork for the truck is in my dad's van, and he went to brampton. My muffin and I were like, WTF, oh well, we're close to barrie we'll go test drive that SS. We planned to come back the next day to get the truck, being sunday. We get to the dealer, and are just walking in the door, when buddy with the truck calls. OH, I just found the paperwork, he says. SWEET, then i was able to get my truck that day. HAHAHA, will post pics once she's officially on da road.
Hearld and Kumar escape from guantanamo bay, WHAT A DUMB MOVIE, let's just smoke some weed, and dream about weed, and wack off with weed, that'll solve all of our problems. A very mindless movie made for all the early teens who are heavy in to the mary-j and need some movie devoted to them to make them so happy in their little smoke filled lives. That was my take, feel free to check it out for yourself, but don't come crying to me, after you laugh for a few minutes and go, "WTF!?" (wow, wtf is common in this post)
Alrighty, Onto Today...
So, there I was outside, setting up my tent so it could dry out from the previous weekend. I heard sirens, thought nothing of it, then it hit me, "i'm not in a big city anymore, i'm in KEMBLE!"
I rushed to my car and flew up to the main road. An OPP went flying bye, so naturally I followed his lead. Not too far down the road was a T-BONE! It was very interested to have something exciting happen. Was a decent hit, wished I had my camera charged, I'll have to make sure I do that tonight so I have it from now on.
During this accident, I realized that Volunteer firefighters have no idea how to control traffic at a scene. For the first little bit my friend and I were directing traffic after the fireman almost caused a few more accidents. With my experience in the field I took decent control until the finally got their cones out and, sort of, setup the scene. 1 thing learned from that.
Second thing learned from that, is the tow truck operators have NO idea how to operate their equipment properly or safely. It was hard to watch, and I think their could be big changes in that industry, in this town/county/township. I may have to make a difference. We will have to wait and see what happens.
Aside from that, saw the Movie '21' Again, and still really enjoy it, love all the number games. I sometimes like a movie that make me think.
But, I'm off to watch some ICE ROAD TRUCKERS, then I'm off to bed. Gotta be up early, potential buyers are viewing the house tomorrow.......................
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Got a new truck today, well the one i referred too in last post, however, finally picked it up today. Will go into more detail on that screwed up story in next blog.
Test Drove a crazy niiiiice car... GM is scrap, but they may have gone right with this one, and their marketing, well haven't seen any advertising yet, so hmmmm... Again, next post ;)...
POI, is doing awesome, came on trip today to get truck, and says the truck is SEXY! Perfect, she just may be a keeper... :)
Watched a Herald and Kumar movie, will comment on that next entry as well...
VERY TIRED... long day... gotta get some rest so I can get up to say TTFN to my cuz headed back to the big city... Gotta remember to tighten her lugs, don't want em' falling of...
Me and my muffin made a list of stuff we have to do over the next week or two, so, yeehaw... POI works afternoons all week, so that kinda gives me and muffin a chance to get the shit done...
Well I will keep you posted (blogged) i dunno, not sure about this blog thing yet. Kinda like a virtual Diary, where everyone in the world has the key, just has to have the knowledge and understanding of the WORLD WIDE WEB (insert evil snicker here)...
Anyways back to what i was saying. Next post will have updates on everything, so keep your eyes open. And if your looking for me on twitter, DEVILE is my name, and _________ is my game... I'll have to get back to you for that one too...
Friday, August 1, 2008
The second post
Anyways, just thought I would bring up my POI... Let me first explain what a POI is... Technically it is someone who which you are in a relationship with, that is, as far as I know, exclusive... However, it is basically a relationship, where you are dating, but are not dating... Kinda hard to explain, like you go for dates but ya... you get it... Oh yes and a POI, is a Person Of Interest... Yes my cuz kept is unisex, i'm sure so she could use it, or let someone use it down the road. But it's basically a safety net, neither person expects anything in future, although it's like a BETA version of your relationship, always changed can be made, or it can be ended just like that with out any hard feelings... Best explanation i can give.
WTF, is with fucking homeland security saying they can seize our laptops at any time if they feel like it. Then they can copy our information or whatever they what to do with it. Then they can keep the laptop. What kind of crap is that. So, if you do lots of traveling across border, i suggest having a computer for each end of the 'world'. So either i will ship my laptop across border or I will not travel with it. Alright enough with this rant before FBI show up at my door on Canadian Soil. HAHAHA
So today, was a pretty simply day. Learned many things about how the Ontario Driver's Licensing and Vehicle licensing system works, that a simple grinding sound can be fixed with some copper LUBE, as well as apparently I type way faster than my brother could imagine, although i find it just fast enough to get what i need on the screen when i need it. My brother and I were arguing about Dodge vs. Chevy basically, because I am a MOPAR fan and he is a fan of GM(SCRAP). See I just purchased dodge, and my brother was telling me that fuel economy is way better on a GM... well i was looking on the internet to prove him otherwise and of course i find that they are equivalent. He told me that i was lying and all the typing i was doing was just creating the web site to show him that they were equal... Wow computer illiterate people piss me off.
Anyways, I believe there is a Mac Book Pro in my future as well as an iTouch... I have always wanted to get into Mac's and get away from these rancid PC's... however, I believe my cuz has supported me so I will give it a shot, if I don't like it I could probably sell it. But I'm sure I'll like it, get rid of this rancid PC once i get used to my Mac.
Anyways, I'll try to come up with better things to talk about on my blog, maybe some news or something interesting maybe. Not really to sure what to right on here, but cuz said anything and everything, so guru she be, i shall follow thee. Anyways, this is it for now...
P.S. What the F**K emoticon is represented by this symbol =:B (Oh, apparently it's a sleeping rabbit?!?!?!?!?!)
First Blog
Many times in life you think your alone, however, your not, not only are you not alone, these are millions of people in the world, more technically advanced then yourself. Don't forget that there are as well millions of people in this world you are not even computer literate (most of my friends).
Sorry not too sure where I was headed with that.
Anyways, hello to blogging world, my name is Matt and I was born and raised in Grey-Bruce country... Very much a hick/drug/retirement community. I'm not gonna lie, it is pretty depressing.
Today in the paper (well i guess yesterday now, since it is 3:30 in the morning) was talking about someone being beaten and stabbed because of their race. Now, I just find it strange that somehow this community is still stuck very deep in the past. Why can't everyone just get along. I think a big part of it is how limited everyone's knowledge is on the computer. That or all these little bastards that think they can just beat on someone becuase of their race, should be forced to live in a metropolis, on their own without thier friends to help them, then they can learn that people are still people, and you aren't tough, there is always someone bigger and stronger then you, willing to kick the shit outa you!
I can't believe one of my friends is still running dial-up interenet... LIKE WTF... althought his parents are just a couple out of those millions who aren't computer literate, so really they have no need for anything faster than dial up. Wait what am i saying... Who doesn't need high speed, look, if you use the internet at all, HIGH SPEED is a MUST!!!! without high speed, there shouldn't be an internet. i remember dial, it fucking sucked... no more will i ever operate on dial-up i'd rather use the slow network internet through my crackberry on telus than freakin dial up. Even to have to hear those sounds, it's like a nail on a chalk board.
I'm kinda glad i'm the age I am... I was born too late for many things, however, i think just the right time for technology...shit i'm going off on another tangent, better re create this so it can be another paragraph. Ok sorry, now that that's done... Alrighty then... Ok back to being born at the same age... I think i should've been born in the 70's or so, i'm no history major, talk to Brad about that... Anyways, the time just after the first fuel crisis, where there was all he fast cars, the chargers, challengers, mustang, YEEHAWW.... i really want to get into that now, however the way FUCKING fuel is going, i don't think i have a big chance in that industry... So i will stick to my trucks, slightly underpowered, however, will still get dirty and get me to the camp site in the farm field on the lake (good times).
Wow, my cuz (the mac guru, links to her later) told me that i should start a blog, and i said 'wtf would i write about' she said everything. Well somehow i have typed this whole thing in a few minutes. So anyways, i guess i will go to bed, I will try to keep this updated, for those of you who are reading it... (hahaha) not likely anyone so really this is just for my own enjoyment...
Oh ya, something quick to add, i believe i ordered a Mac Book Pro, but i put it on my visa which my limit is like half the price of the pro, so we'll see if i actually get it... AHHAHAHA... wish me luck. Night all (i guess that's just me for now)