Thursday, November 27, 2008

Life, as you know it...

As I have now encountered a moment in life that my cousin has recently gone through, and made a post on how to get through it. I figured I would do a reply blog with my own additives with my views on the situation.

Cousin's Post

Alright, so we all are aware as I write this blog post I am doing the steps to make sure I get my facts straight and can get my views on them.

After a breakup, yes my relationship wasn't near as long as my cousin's, however, it was still something that made a effect on my life. It was good, and she is a great girl, but I have too much crap going on in my life, as does she. Therefore, at this point in our lives, this relationship just isn't going to work.

Step 1: Facebook

I have seem to be one of those people who have fallen into the depths of the 'relationship status.' Even though i didn't select the person in which i was a couple with. I still have it selected, now the way to remove it that i will try, is to choose just not to show relationship status. Hopefully this will not lead to a million people asking all the retarded questions...... Shit well, i tried to remove it, and well, it got removed but still posted in the news feed, Matt is no longer listed as in a relationship. Let's hope it doesn't get stupid from here. Although, i guess, facebook, as a social network, is just doing it's job.

Step 2: Buy a New Computer

Well, that's out of the question. I've only had my Mac for approximately 3 months. No way i'm getting a new one already, however, because it is so new, it is simple to remove the things in the system that remind me of the previous.

We're still gonna try the, still being friends thing, which I really hope works out, as she is a great person, just not in the right place in our lives.

Step 3: Stop following on twitter

These are getting easier, she's NOT on twitter, maybe that is another reason for us not working out, nah, well...?

Steps: 4 through 6

Again, nothing for me to do. However, the other thing in which the cousin did not touch upon as it doesn't affect her situation, is, being in a small town with tat individual. There's only 1 bar, 1 walmart, population of 22,000ppl. That really isn't a big amount, as I will likely run into her multiple times. Hoping the friend thing works the small city won't be an ordeal. However, if the friend thing isn't going to work for your situation, MOVE.

Step 7: Move (if applicable)

Get the hell out of the small town. Chances are you've been in that area most of your life and you need to get out anyways. I was in Alberta, and came back to shitty grey bruce for family reasons. I would love to go back out there, but am planning for April.

Step 8: Buy a new vehicle

Had to add this to make up for the computer. This is more of an inside joke that advice, however it isn't a bad thought, I am headed to the auction this weekend to do that very thing, maybe find a snow plow to keep my mind off of the past, and will keep me busy. Wow, that is advice. HAHAHA

Life as you know it, is NOT over, it is just starting a new chapter that you have to grab by the horns and take charge with. As you are an insignificant little speck in this spectrum of the universe, the thing to remember from that statement is, YOU ARE!

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