Wednesday, September 3, 2008


As I lie on the grass staring at the stars, I begin to think and wonder, as many have before. What does this world have in store for me, what is expected of me, and many look for a sign or thought that will help them on my journey's. I did the same old, there's the big dipper, there's Orion's belt, there's the north star, as many of us, I'm sure, have learnt in our childhood. Why weren't we ever told, life is just a life.

Put yourself in perspective of the stars, you are nothing, a minuscule little being that is really gonna have no affect on life, life in general. The only thing you will affect in life are the people in which you encounter along your journey. You are a small, little, dispensable, wasteful, piece of energy that could one day... DIE. Not trying to be in the negative sense, just trying to bring the understanding of life.

You begin your life, you live your life, then you die. Therefore really having no affect on the universe what so ever. Therefore, the only affect you will have in life, is on other minuscule pieces of energy, in which, can only do the same for you. Sure we have evolved a lot, and put forth lots of effort into making life more enjoyable, but how many people out there don't enjoy their lives. Some people are homeless, and some people are extremely wealthy. You think that if we didn't have the evolution and technology, or think of, even if we didn't have text, or words, would there still be so many unhappy people in this world. The only reason people live unhappy lives is the affect other people are having on them. Whether or not it's direct correlation, the affects one is having on another controls the way they will live their lives.

I believe that living your 'enjoyable' life requires infinite amounts of happiness. The only way to come to happiness is not by pleasing other people, not trying to act the way someone expects you to act. Honestly, if someone doesn't like who I am, fuck them, I don't need any of their negative affects on my life. Think about how many people there are on earth. Your not gonna affect a percentage of them. In a way you could, but you will never connect, therefore ever get the satisfaction of affecting their lives in a positive way.

Life, in itself is simply YOU, you need to live your life the way you want to. Money will cloud everything you will ever want to do in life. Think about it though, you are an organism that will grow, learn, and roam until it's your time to die. I lie in bed at night, trying to fall asleep, and have come up with this way to relieve stress, and as a reminder, bring you back to reality that you are an organism. I close my eyes, and look out into the world. No, not a 'mental fuck' just close your eyes, imagine your in a GIGANTIC black room. A room bigger than you can ever imagine, now how small do you feel? Really small, you feel so small, you feel pretty well insignificant. Well, that's what you pretty well are. Your life only matters to you, the people you affect, so all you can do is make it how you can, and live life to the end, as successful as you can be, however you define success, it only matters to you.

My cousin linked to my blog in her blog the other day. She then told me that she receives around 1000 hits a day. In all reality, that's not very many people, considering how many people are online, at any given point in time. However, my cousin is just an organism like everyone else, a very smart one at that. Not only does she get 1000 hits a day, she is affecting approximately 1000 different people a day. Whether or not it's positive, it's their choice to read it, and connect with it. They are looking to her for interest, for knowledge, for whatever she has written about recently. In my eyes, she is being successful, not knowing how much money she's making doing it, it doesn't matter. She is doing what she likes to do, and is affecting 1000's of lives with it. She may not change the world, but she is a part of how people are living their lives.

I have been faced with many dilemmas in life, and will continue to, as many others do, it's inevitable. However, just remember you are you, and only you, do what you feel will make your definition define you as successful. I am going to do my best from here on in, looking up at the stars has brought me to a realization!

Cheer's to my cousin, Chantelle, and cheer's to anyone and everyone who is living a happy, successful life, and helping others along the way.

1 comment:

Chantelle said...

The nicest post ever about me! I'm humbled!