Monday, September 1, 2008

Drunk Driving

People who drink and drive are idiots. I don't mean the people that go out with friends, have a beer or two and then drive home. That's not a concern of mine, it's the people who can barely walk straight let along keep control of a vehicle.

I remember a few times where I had been fairly inebriated and a passenger in a vehicle with a sober driver, anyways, doing 80km/h down the road, I don't even understand what's going on, let along how to respond to it. People on the road like this, scares me. An awesome example of how much damage a drunk driver can cause, I lead you to this link.

Simple story, at 1 am my friend woke up to a god awful noise. Got up, got dressed ran downstairs to a mess of vehicles and a pile of flashing lights on his street. A drunk driver had hit, his yellow car, then he room mates grey truck, then his roommates blue truck, which was slammed into their neighbours truck. Upon collision the drunk driver's truck had rolled and slammed into the curb, ejecting him out of his windshield. He was on his feet before the police showed up but then taken into custody. If you refer to the link you will see the damage caused by the dumb ass.

Drunk driver's need to be taken out, and have their license removed and an eye kept on their property making sure they aren't still driving a vehicle around. I find that even worse, because not they are unlicensed, and not insured, and again possibly drunk. NOT GOOD AT ALL. Better yet, get some vigilante's to deal with them... YEEHAW, seems like vigilante's is the only answer to just bout everything...

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