Saturday, August 9, 2008

Ok, It's been awhile.

Ok well, it's been a little while. I got my new Mac Book Pro, and have been trying to use it. I have always been a PC guy, and my cousin got me into the mac world, and so far, i'm not disappointed at all, i'm sure the more i learn the more I'll like it...

Anyways the main reason for this post is, WTF!? lol... I came across something in the local news today and I must quote it.


No explanation for Kincardine boom

Written by John Divinski

It's been a week-and-a-half since the so-called "big bang" in the Kincardine area and there is no explanation.

Nuclear problem to sonic booms to meteor showers have been discounted.

South Bruce OPP Staff Sergeant Paul Bradley says the most recent yarn--meteor showers--has been discounted by outside sources who have studied them.

Bradley says as far as the police are concerned, there is no further investigation into the matter by them.

Bradley says on Thursday, July 31st, residents over an 18-kilometer area reported large bangs that sounded like explosions.

He says police and fire personnel responded to that emergency and found there was no problem.

Then the conjecture started and continues.

But Bradley says as of this point, still no explanation as to what it was.

No significant damage by the bangs except for a few reported broken windows.

Nobody hurt.

~Quote End~

Quoted From Owen Sound Suntimes of Osprey Media.

The reason for this post is, well, if you read the article above you will see that it says the sound was heard approx 18km around. Well, who knows where it originated so who knows where it originated, or did they ;). Anyways, my family and I remember this 'banging' and well we are approximately 90km away. We live near a tank/firing rang, so that's what we figured it was. But the scary thing is, kincardine, is only about 10km away from a Nuclear Power Plant. So where did it come from? See, even though we are in a small town/area we still have excitement... AHHAHA...

Well, Aside from that, not a whole lot is new here for me. Got the Mac, still waiting on the iTouch, it went from shanghai, to anchorage, to newark, and then to mississauga.. It's taking quite the trip, but I am looking forward too it.

Back to work with CAA on monday, well going for a ride along, we'll see how this goes, different people, different equipment, and wayyyy different system.

POI, I know EVERYONE has been waiting for an update. Well, here it is. We may have a title soon, lol, no more POI possibly. WHY? you ask??? Well, we get along really well, and I'm sure it would make her happier if she had a little more security. So, even though i'm still thinking about it, and will keep everyone up to date..

My winter truck will soon be on the road officially. Had the wrong part in the middle of ripping everything apart. So off to CT to get a new part, and then it starts to DOWN POUR. Packed it up for the day and back at it tomorrow.

Feel free to leave comments, as I will try to keep and eye on local news and start commenting on more news items, that really intrigue me... NIGHT!

1 comment:

Chantelle Fidler said...

I know what the boom was! It was an angry white mob in kincardine pushing all the non-white hydro employees into the reactor!!!