Friday, August 1, 2008

First Blog

Well hello everyone... I'm just starting to catch on, on this blogging thing... Kinda strange at first but when you read around and try to understand it kinda all makes sense...

Many times in life you think your alone, however, your not, not only are you not alone, these are millions of people in the world, more technically advanced then yourself. Don't forget that there are as well millions of people in this world you are not even computer literate (most of my friends).
Sorry not too sure where I was headed with that.

Anyways, hello to blogging world, my name is Matt and I was born and raised in Grey-Bruce country... Very much a hick/drug/retirement community. I'm not gonna lie, it is pretty depressing.

Today in the paper (well i guess yesterday now, since it is 3:30 in the morning) was talking about someone being beaten and stabbed because of their race. Now, I just find it strange that somehow this community is still stuck very deep in the past. Why can't everyone just get along. I think a big part of it is how limited everyone's knowledge is on the computer. That or all these little bastards that think they can just beat on someone becuase of their race, should be forced to live in a metropolis, on their own without thier friends to help them, then they can learn that people are still people, and you aren't tough, there is always someone bigger and stronger then you, willing to kick the shit outa you!

I can't believe one of my friends is still running dial-up interenet... LIKE WTF... althought his parents are just a couple out of those millions who aren't computer literate, so really they have no need for anything faster than dial up. Wait what am i saying... Who doesn't need high speed, look, if you use the internet at all, HIGH SPEED is a MUST!!!! without high speed, there shouldn't be an internet. i remember dial, it fucking sucked... no more will i ever operate on dial-up i'd rather use the slow network internet through my crackberry on telus than freakin dial up. Even to have to hear those sounds, it's like a nail on a chalk board.

I'm kinda glad i'm the age I am... I was born too late for many things, however, i think just the right time for technology...shit i'm going off on another tangent, better re create this so it can be another paragraph. Ok sorry, now that that's done... Alrighty then... Ok back to being born at the same age... I think i should've been born in the 70's or so, i'm no history major, talk to Brad about that... Anyways, the time just after the first fuel crisis, where there was all he fast cars, the chargers, challengers, mustang, YEEHAWW.... i really want to get into that now, however the way FUCKING fuel is going, i don't think i have a big chance in that industry... So i will stick to my trucks, slightly underpowered, however, will still get dirty and get me to the camp site in the farm field on the lake (good times).

Wow, my cuz (the mac guru, links to her later) told me that i should start a blog, and i said 'wtf would i write about' she said everything. Well somehow i have typed this whole thing in a few minutes. So anyways, i guess i will go to bed, I will try to keep this updated, for those of you who are reading it... (hahaha) not likely anyone so really this is just for my own enjoyment...

Oh ya, something quick to add, i believe i ordered a Mac Book Pro, but i put it on my visa which my limit is like half the price of the pro, so we'll see if i actually get it... AHHAHAHA... wish me luck. Night all (i guess that's just me for now)


Chantelle Fidler said...

Cuz here!

Your blog is all star!

Where is the truck news???

maharba1 said...

Never too late to be a blogger..Laddie good to finally see you getting with the times!