Monday, August 4, 2008

Another day, holy the foruth already?

Hello, hello...

Another day has passed, apparently this is the fourth blog post already, I kinda feel like I know what I'm doing yet. Although I don't have anything quite to interesting yet, I am trying to keep all of your who are reading it up to date. Got my twitter widget going on the side now so you can see what my most recent updates are... Anyways, on to a few things i wanted to explain further from yesterdays post, then I'll get onto today...

Alrighty, yesterdays updates will be short but have the detail... Maybe, god, i hate trying to plan it ahead in my head...

Oh yes, the crazy nice car. It's a 2008 Chevrolet Cobalt SS... I didn't really find them too appealing before, yahoo, it's got a supercharged 2.0l four cylinder. REALLY? lol, i really didn't find that too appealing. Seemed like they were trying to make a decent prices throw away car a 'sports car'. Well I'm assuming the engineers or designers of GM, realized that with a supercharger, it takes power to make power. When all of my friends and I saw that it was supercharged, we basically all said, "WTF!?" Should've wrote them a letter or something, seeing how I am Canadian, and that's what we do, I just ignored it and figured, well GM is just scrap anyways they may as well just continue the trend. (I'll get into the scrap definition later). Anyhow, my muffin and I stopped into a GM dealer when we toured to Barrie to look at the truck, that I now own, but at this time was just to look at it as a prospective purchase. When we got there we saw the car, and something didn't look quite right on the back of it. The badging, twas different, WHAT!?!?!?! IT'S TURBO NOW!!?!?!? See now the concepts between the two, turbo and supercharger are completely different, If you need explanatiions feel free to comment and I will post info on next post. Anywho, when we went get the truck yesterday, well the day before now I guess... So when we went to get the truck on saturday we toured over to the GM dealer to test drive this Cobalt SS TURBO!... The car is comfortable, FAST AS HELL, and was surprising decent for a throw away car. So that was the little story about the Scrap that ain't too bad. HAHAHA, kinda pointless but now you know what I think about the Cobalt SS TURBO.

Story with the truck, quick little story, I hope lol. So we go to get this truck with is about 40km outside of barrie. We get there, and the owner says, all the ownerships and paperwork for the truck is in my dad's van, and he went to brampton. My muffin and I were like, WTF, oh well, we're close to barrie we'll go test drive that SS. We planned to come back the next day to get the truck, being sunday. We get to the dealer, and are just walking in the door, when buddy with the truck calls. OH, I just found the paperwork, he says. SWEET, then i was able to get my truck that day. HAHAHA, will post pics once she's officially on da road.

Hearld and Kumar escape from guantanamo bay, WHAT A DUMB MOVIE, let's just smoke some weed, and dream about weed, and wack off with weed, that'll solve all of our problems. A very mindless movie made for all the early teens who are heavy in to the mary-j and need some movie devoted to them to make them so happy in their little smoke filled lives. That was my take, feel free to check it out for yourself, but don't come crying to me, after you laugh for a few minutes and go, "WTF!?" (wow, wtf is common in this post)

Alrighty, Onto Today...


So, there I was outside, setting up my tent so it could dry out from the previous weekend. I heard sirens, thought nothing of it, then it hit me, "i'm not in a big city anymore, i'm in KEMBLE!"

I rushed to my car and flew up to the main road. An OPP went flying bye, so naturally I followed his lead. Not too far down the road was a T-BONE! It was very interested to have something exciting happen. Was a decent hit, wished I had my camera charged, I'll have to make sure I do that tonight so I have it from now on.

During this accident, I realized that Volunteer firefighters have no idea how to control traffic at a scene. For the first little bit my friend and I were directing traffic after the fireman almost caused a few more accidents. With my experience in the field I took decent control until the finally got their cones out and, sort of, setup the scene. 1 thing learned from that.

Second thing learned from that, is the tow truck operators have NO idea how to operate their equipment properly or safely. It was hard to watch, and I think their could be big changes in that industry, in this town/county/township. I may have to make a difference. We will have to wait and see what happens.

Aside from that, saw the Movie '21' Again, and still really enjoy it, love all the number games. I sometimes like a movie that make me think.

But, I'm off to watch some ICE ROAD TRUCKERS, then I'm off to bed. Gotta be up early, potential buyers are viewing the house tomorrow.......................

1 comment:

Chantelle said...

An accident in Kemble and you don't have pictures!! You are killing me. Especially you directing traffic.
Can you be a volunteer fire fighter? You could show them how it's done!!!