Thursday, April 9, 2009

Life Update

WARNING: This isn't a well thought out blog post and just a basic person life update.

Well have come to another fork in the road. I will be on a 46 hours journey from Southern, Ontario to Alberta. It is great as I have a job lined up there driving a tow truck for CAA. I'm very excited as I loved this job before and came back to Ontario for family reason but am tired of waiting for a conclusion, so screw it off i go.

This fork is separating my amazing girlfriend and I as she will be staying in Ontario for the present time, and hopefully moving out to Alberta with me come the end of September after her sisters wedding. The feelings for this girl are very strong, and I'm very excited to continue my life with her. This makes it very hard to persue the opportunity I have, and sometimes have second thoughts, and think about staying. This is not an option, I must remind myself of this, and as great of feelings I have for her we will keep in touch everyday and continue our relationship long distance. If things continue to work and she moves out to Alberta that would be AMAZING.

Just an update on life really, but keep an eye on my twitter for the travel news and things.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Positive Recession Business

I'm sure there are many more out there, but one that I find more and more interesting is Towing and Repossession.

In a recession many people are losing there jobs, and it seems that the best job to have in these times is one that benefits on people's misfortunes. What better job to have then someone who deals directly with consumer who have problems with the second biggest purchase they make in their lives. Whether they can't make their payments or they are having problems with the vehicles and need to get them fixed.

Dealing with repossessions and/or towing is a great place. In this recession I see if going no other direction then up. A membership based service will seem stranger based on membership purchases. You can see here that more used cars are purchased than new cars, which means, more cars will be needed to get towed. And a membership is a reassurance that you could save money with the tow if something else happens.

I'm glad I made the decision to head back out west for this industry, but living in this crappy little town helped me with that decision. Too much small town crap... To all who are deciding on making a relocation/career change, weigh the options in the industry.

New twitter account has been setup for the work I will be doing out west, after April 15th be sure to check up on it. Twitter - Tow Truck Driver

Update Time

Been a while again, so many things going on in life. I'm starting a change in my lifestyle with excersize and nutrition. I'm relocating back to Alberta to get back into the Roadside Service and Towing Industry again. The way the market is going it seems to be the best choice.

I have learned lots in the past little while and am running with it. My awesome girlfriend may be following me to Alberta in early fall when she has completed her post secondary. Very exciting for the both of us.

Also a sideline business idea I will be pursuing once I get to Alberta. This isn't a very big blog post, but I will try to stick with it more, and keep everyone updated with life, and pass on information about as much as I can...

I want to keep this short as, I don't want pages to one blog post, something that just shouldn't be, as pointed out by my cousin.

Anyways, short and sweet, and I will try to keep everyone updated. Love you all, YEEHAW!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Well even though the title really doesn't have much to do with the post, it is part of it. The person who brought up the Monthiversary, she is awesome, in every way, and I don't understand why more people can't be like her.

In my day today, which technically it is still the 3rd for me, the Monthiversary (being something small of my day) has been the best part of my day. I am waiting for a call from a trucking company to say, "LET'S GO," as I can't stand being in Grey Bruce anymore. The things, and people, here drive me nuts. I can pretty well count on my fingers the amount of people I actually like talking to here, how pathetic is that. Being my home town you would expect more then that. Myself, being one of those people who was described as being, "Friends with everybody," hates this place and can't wait to leave.

Sure I moved back here from Alberta, due to legal/family reasons, but am regretting almost every minute of it. Accept for getting the chance to have coffee with an awesome woman.

Waiting for the call from the trucking company irritates me every minute they don't call. Even though my brother is working on setting me up to work for the same retarded company he works for doing snow removal. They basically want me to say I'll work for them until the snow is gone, whether or not the trucking company calls. YEEHAW, well he's my option, do I fuck my brother over, by pissing off the company he's with (quitting the day the trucking company calls). Or, option 2, sit and wait for the company to call and turn down this other job, or ask the trucking company wait until winter is over (snow stops falling). There's my quandary of the day. Hmmmm, or maybe, life would just fall into place for me, where I could be happy, working 40 hours a week, be home every night, and have a very manageable income. NOOOO, that would be too easy, and i guess and easy life would be boring.

I guess this is kinda making me sound like a loser, but whatever. This is me, and that's how I am, even though I can get along with almost anyone.

There you go, my rant for the day, sorry this wasn't the best post but it had to all be let out, anyone have any ideas on where to lead this wonderful life of mine? I'm hoping more on the trucking company, sure it's not 40 hours a week home every night, but it gets me out of this hell hole, and making decent income.

Then of course, it'll be harder to see this woman, but will it be worth it? I mean she is awesome and is game for it, and now is the time to do it not having family and all... I can't see myself being a long haul trucker for a long period in my life, but definitely something I'd like to get experience in, now that I have my license for it. This brings me to the blog post Complicated Life. Everyone has their problems and decisions to make in their life, but after my parents reading the above blog post, they also make point that they are stuck in the same kind of predicament, and the options never change through life...

To finish this off, all I must say is, WHATEVER, lol... I guess I'll figure it out as life goes on, I will however stand by the statement I have learned to love. "Live life to it's fullest, if there's something in your life you don't like, or stresses you out, CHANGE IT!" I am working on it, but it will take some time. Cheers to all

Thursday, January 22, 2009


There is one thing I remember from a high school course, Career Studies. This thing is "Your career, is not a job, your career is your life." I really like this saying because it reminds people that, you can have more than one job as a 'career' because no matter what you do life will continue on. Just find something you like and continue with it, if you don't like it, change it, find something else...

I'm basing this on the job opportunities that have been offered to me out west. Recently I have received my AZ/Class 1 license and of course this helps for work but there are more options than even really conceived me.

I can go back to tow trucking out west if I like to where i was before. Or maybe start my own business towing and try to get some contracts in some smaller towns? But what guarantees the pay, nothing, that's why it's your own business. However, I could also go start and apprenticeship for boom truck operator and put my class 1 to use. Could be moving oil field equipment with a 45 tonne boom truck, and a tandem steer tri-axle rig. Way bigger than I've ever driven, but maybe that could be good too? Maybe i should go get my boom truck license work for a year, then maybe start my own business when I can be 25 and have cheaper insurance... HMMM...

Life is very confusing, and there are so many options... I could go to school and become a cop, lawyer, vet, w/e, there are lots of options, but at least I'm starting to narrow them down. Moral of the story is, find something you love to do, and do it... If it changes, then change it. What do I do? I think the only response I know for sure, is to get OUT of Ontario...