Thursday, January 22, 2009


There is one thing I remember from a high school course, Career Studies. This thing is "Your career, is not a job, your career is your life." I really like this saying because it reminds people that, you can have more than one job as a 'career' because no matter what you do life will continue on. Just find something you like and continue with it, if you don't like it, change it, find something else...

I'm basing this on the job opportunities that have been offered to me out west. Recently I have received my AZ/Class 1 license and of course this helps for work but there are more options than even really conceived me.

I can go back to tow trucking out west if I like to where i was before. Or maybe start my own business towing and try to get some contracts in some smaller towns? But what guarantees the pay, nothing, that's why it's your own business. However, I could also go start and apprenticeship for boom truck operator and put my class 1 to use. Could be moving oil field equipment with a 45 tonne boom truck, and a tandem steer tri-axle rig. Way bigger than I've ever driven, but maybe that could be good too? Maybe i should go get my boom truck license work for a year, then maybe start my own business when I can be 25 and have cheaper insurance... HMMM...

Life is very confusing, and there are so many options... I could go to school and become a cop, lawyer, vet, w/e, there are lots of options, but at least I'm starting to narrow them down. Moral of the story is, find something you love to do, and do it... If it changes, then change it. What do I do? I think the only response I know for sure, is to get OUT of Ontario...

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