Monday, March 12, 2012

The 90th Percentile

Being in the 90th Percentile SUCKS!

Not trying to toot my own horn, however, being smarter than 90% of the population is worse than being in the top 10%...

The problem lies with not having the ability to be extremely happy with what you have around you, and what is going on in your life, and being naive about the things that you aren't doing well.

For example... Okay, this is just too hard to explain in an example, lets try something else.

What if, you were in a position in you're life where you are happy, and content.  The people around you are thinking, "what is that person's problem?"

You feel as though you are doing everything right, and couldn't see how you couldn't advance in your life and career.  Other people's thoughts, "Why do they never seem to get it, I can tell them 50 times, they seem to agree, but continually do it 'wrong' but in different ways every time?"

Now, think about it from the 10% perspective.  You go up to a 90%'er and ask them a question you already know the answer to, but are trying to help them get to the answer them self.  They then stumble on the question, and tend to go in circles looking for an answer.  During the moment they are strumming up a response, you are getting frustrated because you can't understand why this question seems to be one of the hardest questions in the universe.  This question is something that the general population wouldn't be able to answer, but a question about something they do everyday, something they do as a second nature, but, when asked the question, they cannot put it into words, or maybe not even think about it.

MAYBE they are over complicating the question, and trying to look much deeper into the question.  Maybe I'm the 90% and they are the 10%, maybe they think that I'm the idiot for answering the question.

However, once frustrated to the point that I must spell it out for them, they do one of the old, "oh, yah, I understand."

Why would they stop there though, why couldn't they give input to the answer they should've given, or at least something relatively close to the similar information expected.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say I'm perfect in any way, but being the person on the outside (top 10%) you view everything you are doing in your life, and career, PLUS the other 90%.  You are constantly thinking about your life, and need to depend on the 90%, but they just don't seem to get it.  You surround yourself with a few people (I mean FEW) as your close friends, only because you feel they are in the 10% with you.

It even gets to a point, where we (10%) has to screw with each other's minds to stay entertained.  Just today I was trying to make a point about something, my friend played dumb, and brought up a stupid rebuttal.  I took a second to entertain his rebuttal with a response (whilst getting frustrated) just to see him laugh, and say, "I know, just screwing with ya."

He was on the same page as me, and obviously bored with the conversation, he just felt like getting a rise out of me to keep the conversation somewhat interesting.  Does this mean the majority of those involved in the conversation were of the 90%?

I'm trying to do my best to explain this, although it makes me sound conceded, and self absorbed, but, this isn't my intention as I don't feel that way (for the most part).  I want you to understand the view I have with life.

Maybe it's a type of mind that is more strategic, or more mathematical, I'm not sure...  Maybe someone has an answer for me, to help me... LOL

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