Thursday, April 9, 2009

Life Update

WARNING: This isn't a well thought out blog post and just a basic person life update.

Well have come to another fork in the road. I will be on a 46 hours journey from Southern, Ontario to Alberta. It is great as I have a job lined up there driving a tow truck for CAA. I'm very excited as I loved this job before and came back to Ontario for family reason but am tired of waiting for a conclusion, so screw it off i go.

This fork is separating my amazing girlfriend and I as she will be staying in Ontario for the present time, and hopefully moving out to Alberta with me come the end of September after her sisters wedding. The feelings for this girl are very strong, and I'm very excited to continue my life with her. This makes it very hard to persue the opportunity I have, and sometimes have second thoughts, and think about staying. This is not an option, I must remind myself of this, and as great of feelings I have for her we will keep in touch everyday and continue our relationship long distance. If things continue to work and she moves out to Alberta that would be AMAZING.

Just an update on life really, but keep an eye on my twitter for the travel news and things.